Offer Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology Before Special Offer Ends

Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology

If you are looking for reviews about synthesizers, then this is where to find it. Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology might be your best choice. Check out this review and buy it by clicking the button below right now before this discount comes to an end. Current price is 23.89.

Author Name: Mark Vail Publisher: Backbeat Books Publishing Date: April 01, 2000

Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology

These are related products Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology, it will probably be your best choice as well.

Traditional Synthesizer Music (cd)

Traditional Synthesizer Music (cd)

Traditional Synthesizer Music (CD)

Price : 11.99

Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology

Vintage Synthesizers: Pioneering Designers, Groundbreaking Instruments, Collecting Tips, Mutants of Technology

Author Name: Mark Vail Publisher: Backbeat Books Publishing Date: April 01, 2000

Price : 23.89

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers NAZCA Audio Patch Cable 18-Pack For Modular Synthesizers

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers NAZCA Audio Patch Cable 18-Pack For Modular Synthesizers

These high-quality NAZCA TS patch cables are the ideal link in your modular synthesizer signal chain
This pack includes 18 3.5mm cables come in a variety of colors and sizes so you can easily keep track of your patching, and are built rugged to withstand a high volume of use.

Price : 56.00

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers Waveform Oscillator Module

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers Waveform Oscillator Module

A wide range, high quality, complex VCO designed to be the core of a modern, analog synthesizer
The Waveforms module offers a full complement of standard waveforms including sine, triangle, saw, and pulse waves in addition to a sub octave generator and a unique modulatable blade wave
The oscillator offers 5 octaves of 1 volt per octave tracking, and a frequency range starting as low as 7 seconds per cycle, allowing it to double as an LFO
Additional features include oscillator reset for hard syncing, attenuated linear or exponential FM input, pulse width, and pulse width CV input
The centerpiece of this 2nd generation oscillator is the extreme amount of modulation options that are available
Frequency modulation is switchable between linear and exponential and pulse width modulation is augmented with a manual pulse width control, in addition to a dedicated pulse width cv input attenuator
The sub oscillator is a CMOS-based square wave pitched one octave below the core frequency of the oscillator
It can be controlled using the pulse width controls to create 2 distinct effects
Using the pulse width CV input and attenuator creates a unique pulse width modulation effect
Adjusting the manual pulse width control sets the range of the modulation
Setting the pulse width range control to the extreme left or right creates a gate effect on the sub oscillator allowing it to be switched on and off within the oscillator
Excellent logarithmic conformanceTemperature compensated 1 volt per octave operationMultiple simultaneous waveform outputsSawtooth wave based oscillator circuitUnique modulating blade waveformModulating square wave sub oscillatorLinear and exponential frequency modulationPwm input: 5% to 95%Hard sync inputLFO below audio frequency operation

Price : 249.00


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